Purpose Destiny Calling

Why are we here? What is the reason that we were born? What are we supposed to
be doing here? What is your ‘Purpose’? And so what if we do or don’t know?
Hmmmm …
Living Without Purpose
Let us address the easy one here. If we don’t know and don’t care, the answer is
simply “meh” as the young people say today. That means the topic has zero juice, I
really don’t think about or miss or care at all, about my life Purpose. Further, I am
not even slightly curious. Go away.
Exploring Your Purpose
Now, what if I am curious? Some say that Purpose, or Calling or Destiny is the
fuel of our existence. Is life without it a tepid sequence of dull day trips without
destination? Let us just pause here, and listen to our own inner wisdom, that quiet
little voice we hear on occasion when we are focused on finding an answer to
something important to us. We all have it. Few of us actively engage with it all that
This is the source of our ‘aha!’ moments, when it feels like we just hit the
biggest jackpot ever and are flooded with the over the top euphoria of discovering
something huge. We have all experienced it at one time or another. What is all of
this? Some call it intuition, others, direct connection to our higher Self. It is a
mental state of, ‘we just know’. No logical explanation. We may need to practice
listening to, and following, such intuitive hits so that we can differentiate between
the real thing and indigestion. Such hits are subtle stuff.
Unveiling Your Purpose (or Dharma)
When seeking to ‘hear’ our ‘Purpose’ we are well served to tune in to this voice of
intuition. It seems to know things. Let us invite four questions. Listen to the
answers, from intuition, as best can.
Identifying Natural Talents & Passions
What do we seem to do, often, and well, and like doing and even improve so we
can gain even more from? Most of us have natural preferences. To get started, if
need be, ask a few people who know you what they would say to this question
about you. What activity, for you, seems like a sweet spot, an activity about which
you would be described as a natural? It does not have to always be easy for you,
but often it is. And you like it, a lot.
What pokes you, riles you up, raises your emotions, gets you stoked? This is an
area you notice, from right around you to around the world, that you seem tuned to.
It has your instant attention and you feel passionately about it, want to move into action
to make it bigger or make it smaller. It animates you when talked about on the six o’clock news. You seem to have a filter that says pay particular attention to this. What is the generic area that represents this big thing for you?
What are You Being?
Next, what is your desired impact upon the world? What result would you be
proud to know you left behind after you passed on. What would be the message
you would cry to know was on your gravestone, the thing the world thanked you
for? What is your best, most proud destination for your life, the meaning you were
born to bring?
Purpose, destiny, calling. Big, the biggest thing for all of us. In eastern cultures it is
called Dharma. What is your Dharma? You have one. If you are not yet able to
name it clearly, no problem. Set intention to learn enough about yourself using these 4 questions, so that
you can speak it out loud.
You need to ‘be’ something in order to accomplish your Dharma. Be that and you are ‘being’ your Dharma. Which leads us to our fourth question.
What are you ‘being’, what is your Dharma? Knowing what your Dharma might can be a tremendous help in making tough decisions and solving close choices. Be your Dharma.
Joseph Seiler MCC 2011-2022
If you’d like to explore your Dharma/ Purpose but are unsure where to get started – let’s connect. Book your complimentary session here.