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The big/whole  picture is made up of tiny photographs. Particles to make the full result - pic Mosaic Puzzles Shaping Vision Imagine that you have a magic lens through which you can zoom in or out in your view of...
Cube Tune Up Whether participating in self growth or leading a team development session at work, it can be really helpful to use a simple model to frame the explorations and discoveries. Simple is most often best, so memorable and...
Randori is a martial arts exercise where multiple attackers engage you at once, and you do not know which one will attack next or from what direction or what technique they will use. It is a supremely present moment experience....
Sisodia, Wolfe, Sheth              A really quick book review Firms of Endearment    how world-class companies profit from passion and purpose         The focus of business on productivity and cost cutting lifted the mainstream of society out of a marginal level of...
“Knowledge discovered is nothing until it becomes knowledge shared.”
Joseph Seiler
#marketing #strategy # productdevelopmen #competition Blue Ocean Strategy how to create uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant    Kim and Mauborgne     A really quick book review Why is it that Ford did so well with their Model T and so...
I am seeing articles of late that diss the concept of Net Promoter Score. Some say that Reichheld got it wrong with his Ultimate Question. One article concludes that there is no 'ultimate question' and that, ultimately true insight comes from...
#Engagement #Clientengagement #Employeeengagement #Success Links to the other two Parts are provided at the end of this portion. To continue, we now need to ask ourselves questions such as: "What might a more engaged clientele do for our business?" (do...
#Engagement #Clientengagement #Employeeengagement #Success Links to the other two Parts are provided at the end of this portion. If we had a useful Q12 equivalent to the employee version to measure client engagement, how would we have gotten it? Gallup...
#Engagement #Clientengagement #Employeeengagement #Success Links to the other two Parts are provided at the end of this portion. The Gallup organization developed a 12 point questionnaire to reliably measure the level of engagement of the employees working in an organization....
#Leadershipdevelopment #BusinessCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #Accountability Jack Welch was CEO of GE for over 20 years and brought massive increases in valuation. Some point to Mr Welch as the most successful CEO of the twentieth century. Some are not so sure. He...
#Better #Results #Easier #Leadership #Clarity #Success #Soundingboard #Confidante #Businessplan The new fundamentals of business have changed and this is good. We have moved from feudal hierarchy through the structures of the industrial revolution to command and control and now to...
#Better #Results #Easier #Leadership #Clarity #Success #Soundingboard #Confidante The foundation of the Business Plan can be described using three elements Our vision, our 'why' Strategy, our approach to realizing our 'why' Plan, the exact steps needed, yes, written Again, we...
Let me show you 5 steps to way better decision making. Decision making is the basis of all action and in turn of all results. No decision, no action, no result, well except that you missed the deadline or something...
  When creating powerful teams, once in a while it is very valuable to get the people in the organization back onto the same page. What is our vision, our mission, our greatest challenge, our greatest cause for celebrating what...
Walking in a winter wonderland...   Although simply part of a well known Christmas song, this particular phrase has some great messages for people in business. The Christmas season holds many attributes and one of them is that for a lot...
Some say that the million dollar company is the least sustainable of all. Hmmm? In my experience, yes, it was a tricky time. After paying the rent and the equipment loans etc we could only afford so many staff. And...
A good colleague of mine engages annually in a bit of a ritualistic meeting with his business colleagues. They meet in early Spring and reserve the whole day to be together. Their topic is their business/career. Here is how the...
Little Red Riding Hood said she was going to Grandma’s house. She seemed to be pretty clear on that part of things. Being able to ‘say’ where we are going, some will tell us, is ‘it’, the golden fleece, the...
One of the most embarrassing questions one can ask a business owner/Leader is, “may I see your Business Plan, please?” Most don’t have one. Those who do, haven’t looked at it in ages Hmmmm? Answer 4 questions, What do you...