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#Leadership #Success #Leadershipdevelopment #ExecutiveCoaching There is a worldwide movement to increasingly welcome women into positions of authority. Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear how, for instance, companies that have strong representation of women on their corporate Boards...
  Introducing Candid Conversations as the center piece of the culture in an organization will take time, money, commitment and, for at least the first while, take too long for many. It is very threatening to most people. So we...
An excerpt from the upcoming book Candid Conversations – what and how Part III What is your relationship with the word ‘candid’? This reminds me of the parallel conversation we could have about the word Coach, as in the kind...
An excerpt from the upcoming book Candid Conversations – what and how Part II Having crossed that line, to have spoken against ‘candid’, our ego goes to work to erect walls against finding any new understanding (different from the understanding...
“Knowledge discovered is nothing until it becomes knowledge shared.”
Joseph Seiler
An excerpt from the upcoming book Candid Conversations – what and how   Part I When we don’t understand something, an untrue statement about it could be taken as true, simply because we don’t know. When we suspect an incorrect...