Turning Fear into Love

What if…. Nobody Gets to Be Rong?
Yes, what if we could ‘allow’ this idea into our set of options when we form our responses to the world? If you are like most, the spelling error has crossed your awareness, and, like most folks, you wanted to tell me that it needs to be corrected. Gotcha ☺.
Comparison: The Root of Judgment and Discontent
We live in a world full of comparison from which judgment naturally arises. This is better, or worse, than that. Normal. And notice the state of the mind when all of this comparison is going on. For me, the mind gets busy about it. And to what end? Seems to be to the end of more comparison along with a large variety of judgey thoughts seeming to try to convince me that I wish I could believe that ‘I’m OK’. If I am not OK then when others compare me to ‘whatever’ I guess that I come up as ‘rong’, not enough, even bad.
If we ask what we are afraid of, that scenario where we are not OK seems to fit the bill most of the time. We don’t do well in the comparison scene. That is what we make up. That is fear in action. Our world is full of fear. Think back to those insecure teenage days. Ouch city, all the time, not good enough, pimples too. Did you know that surveys show that over 95% of teens feel that the are ‘not good enough’? Man, that sucks. That really sucks. Lots of fear in that.
A World Without Comparison
What might it feel like if we did not go there, to that comparison place? What might it be like if we replaced the judgment factory with I’m OK and you are too? Without the judgment, the whole scene dissipates. Happiness becomes more possible, actually more normal. Just enjoy life. Fear gets turned into love, the opposite of judgment.
Our world might be a better place if we did more turning fear into love.
I could go on about turning fear into love. Oh, I guess I already have ☺
Joseph Seiler MCC 2011-2022
Ready to move through judgment and find a happier place? Let’s connect.