One Excellent Way That Men Can Become As Successful As Women


#Leadership #Success #Leadershipdevelopment #ExecutiveCoaching

There is a worldwide movement to increasingly welcome women into positions of authority. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear how, for instance, companies that have strong representation of women on their corporate Boards and among the C Suite of leaders are undeniably doing better than similar organizations with only male leaders. The age of male domination is truly in decline.

What is it that women do better than men and which translates into clearly better bottom line performance?

I was speaking with a colleague this morning offering to provide a lunch n learn talk about my new ebook Candid Conversations What? How? I explained that the main message of the book was about greater success through genuine increased  collaboration among the decision makers in an organization. Trust, truth, collaborative solution finding are the basis of it all. I provided examples of huge successes gained by the magic sauce.

She paused to consider my message, smiled… and then explained that female executives pretty much act like that already, and was glad that the men were starting to catch up. Although I laughed I was a little bit taken aback.

I then reviewed the methods employed to conduct Candid Conversations. Yes, there is a female energy about them. Women seem to be more naturally collaborative and more able to deal with ‘the issue’, rather than putting the blame on the person(s) involved in the project being assessed. Women have a greater ability to deal with ‘things’ without needing to extract punishment from ‘people’. They also tend to be more comfortable than men tend to be with unvarnished truth.

After some research and reflection on personal business situations from my own experiences, I agree with her. Certainly, painting all women and/or all men with the same brush is foolish. I do, however, believe that all business leaders will find great benefit from fostering a more feminine (collaborative) approach to leadership (people) and project management (things).

I want to be as successful as the females seem to be.

Joseph Seiler MCC


Btw the Candid Conversations book is free. Simply provide your name and email address via this link and it will arrive in your Inbox.