Why True Stallions Eventually Seek Coaching

#leader, #potential, #leadership, #Coaching
A stallion is notoriously independent, smart, jealous and a strong fighter. Most really successful stallions start with a large ego which they used to climb the corporate ladder and which they then tamed to achieve what only a master of co-operation could. A fine example of this top level of skill in influencing people is past CEO of Ford, Alan Mulally (voted top CEO in the world before retiring in 2014). A rare individual. The top achiever, rising star type can only go so far alone. Then, at the extent of their ability to understand themselves and those around them, something feels missing. Past CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, explains that as a species we are not very good at seeing ourselves. We can notice many things about others, what is working, what is not, but not ourselves. Schmidt recommends hiring a Coach. Mulally also engaged a Coach.
David Whyte, poet to Corporate America, offers the following (part of a bigger poem)
One day
The hero (heroine)
Unable to take another step
At this moment, if the ego (always fearful) can be kept out of the way, the stallion can hire a Coach, someone to help him/her see what Schmidt reminds us that we cannot see alone.
Stallions are used to pushing through alone, toughing it out, demanding and getting more. The very idea of getting help is anathema. Many self destroy trying alone rather than embrace the concept of personal help. Yet, it is this high performer, on the threshold of full potential, that stands at the edge of their possibly greatest victory facing their possibly biggest challenge, that is feeling tired and incomplete. This is the hero (heroine) Whyte refers to. This greatest challenge might well be seeking help, even if the CEO of Google recommends it.
The Stallion is nothing if not a leader. It is the inherent desire to lead, to overcome all obstacles, that steps over the fears of the ego when that ‘one day’ comes. Getting help becomes an option because to stop leading is not an option. We, all of us, are stronger, more able, more confident and more at ease when we can see all of ourselves. Faster, easier, right decisions set the stage for stronger right action. These are the magic combination of our greatest successes. Note that ‘easier’ makes the list. Btw, happier shows up too.
Consider Coaching… ?