

I owe a great deal of where I am today to your knowledge, patience and guidance. I have to work on myself everyday but I find it easier and more like general maintenance, like small corrections these days. I can directly attribute many of the tools I use regularly to you and I would still be struggling with a great deal more things if not for the great fortune of meeting you when I did. 

I can honestly say I enjoy my life these days and that is a far cry from where I was at sometime ago. You helped me through the hardest darkest times of my life, and you equipped me with knowledge, understanding and tools to navigate forward with. I will always be grateful.

I want you to know what a massive difference you made to my life and how it is forever changed for the better because of you. Thank you Sir.

Multi year Client, Business Owner

I will cherish the lessons I’ve learned as I continue my journey. Your guidance has illuminated new paths, and I am committed to applying these learnings throughout my life. 
Team Supervisor growing into the next level of responsibility, June 2024

It was amazing, how after 20 years of not interacting, you were able to plug back in.   You have a special gift, that allows me to open up, see and address issues, so important to living my dreams. 
Thank you is pure and heart felt.
Senior Exec returning to Coaching for another round, January 2021

We can’t be more grateful to have you in our lives. The support you have given and care and knowledge you have shared has been life changing for me, for my partner and our team leading this little/growing company
Owner of a small company trying to make it bigger

Thank you for being available even though I missed the appointment… and then being totally on and ready in the moment – very cool … it ended up being a very new (and important) thing for me
Serial entrepreneur and long time client

I had not worked with a Coach before hiring Joseph. I was skeptical. And I said I wanted to quadruple our gross sales was my business objective. To my amazement and complete satisfaction, at the 14 month point we were at triple. Joseph did not just work on the business, he worked ‘with’ me and our staff to help us work on the business, learn what is most important to us and our clients. Magic happened
Owner/Founder of a high end hair salon which opened a second location soon after the above comments were made

Joseph – thank you for everything.  Much of what we are now was inspired by your encouragement, your absolute human grace, and for gently gently pressing us toward a holistic model with accountability.  We are standing on our own two feet, have had a record four months running (after worrying that we may not survive the pandemic) – and while there is much uncertainty ahead, we are well positioned to weather all kinds of storms. Owner Leader of a Financial support company

The reality is, that as I actually grow up a little, and get real with some stuff, I will recall a conversation you and I had, and I have the thought “oh, hmmm, this is familiar… Joe and I covered that ground a long time ago, I guess I just wasn’t ready then.”  
More likely, those seeds and ideas were planted back then, and it just took that long to get some germination in my subconscious, dig in some roots and grow a little oak tree of solid wood. … this is a better place. 
You pointed me in the direction of this place, and told me how to get here. Seeds planted all those years ago bear fruit all the time now. You get a lot of the credit.  Thank you Joseph.
Owner builder of a successful Company, a Coaching client circa 2000 The foregoing was received in June 2020

I have noticed significant positive change in my business and, more importantly, myself. … has helped me discover that I am a remarkable person with the spark of an entrepreneur. Over the past few months I have started to walk taller, breathe deeper and shoot higher than ever before.
                                              President of a growing company in it’s  7th year

I love the way you send email after each session – it is so validating. You served me by championing my Self, bringing forth my very best and seeing me with loving eyes. I felt adored as a human being, full of awesome beauty and fiery potential. Your gentle manner and philosophical mind created a spacious learning and growing environment, increasing my confidence and I have become more powerful in my life.                CPCC Coach in Arizona

“…for your team building and coaching services. Everyone here found them to be enlightening, enjoyable and effective in showing how we can work together to solve any problem. It is good to talk to someone about business who has been through it. You are a good listener.”
Incoming CEO of a 20 year old small business

‘Something’ happened through your coaching me… a lightness, a release, a balmy effect on my heart. I am observing change taking place toward total harmony. I have never been so clear about what is important to me and so confident about going out to get it.            Senior HR consultant, Montreal

I was not living ‘full on’ and felt ready for a positive change. So I took the plunge to participate in my own Solo Executive Retreat. It was about four weeks total and then it wasn’t. The experience just keeps surfacing more and more for me. The best summary I can offer is to share the declaration I designed for myself. I am ‘the’ versatile, deep pool, passionate red gem, who, brings Courage to you who yearn to believe in yourself once again. Worth a million to me. Thank you
Woman in mid career feeling spent and really wanted more from life

When I first contacted you I believe I used the expression ‘deer in the headlights’ to describe my state of mind regarding how to move my new business forward. That was months ago and now “things are happening, man!”. The coaching sessions reminded me that the key to finding the right solution is to ask the right questions.
Senior, and now independent, technology consultant

You really helped me sort through some ‘me’ stuff. Now I am more focused on others, have unlocked some real positive energy at work; more happening, more easily. Same thing outside of work. It’s an exponential network effect. The fun factor has gone up a lot.
                      Editor of a major magazine group

I hired Joseph to help me with my business (I have one Partner too). It soon became really clear that the unravelling of my divorce was very much in the way of my success. He helped me to separate truths from the accusations and emotion of the divorce, gently, steadily, effectively, until I could again see the realities of the business. I could see clearly again and he became my decision making sounding board (not telling me what to do, rather listening and gently testing everything). Wow, I came through that difficult time with grace I didn’t know I have. I will hire him again.
Partner in a National company serving big corporate HR needs

Thanks Joseph,
On behalf of Acme and all your friends here, I would like to express our gratitude for the very significant contributions that you’ve made to the company, to its culture, to the employees and their individual development and to the products and the company’s ability to deliver them. We are all better prepared now to tackle the great opportunities that we have in front of us, and, wherever the company finds success and delights our customers, there will be a bit of Joseph in each achievement.
CEO Acme Corporation

Nicely Done Joseph. Thanks for your tremendous support and assistance in my personal development over the past year. You have made a difference and a very positive contribution to how I live life. Founder/CEO of a growing tech company

While we both have experience running and managing a business, and we know where we want to go and how to get there with this new business venture, it was the stuff that got us stuck in between – the stuff that makes us sweat, and lose sleep, and avoid doing what we need to do to get to our “there” – that we so value being able to work through with you.  You made us feel comfortable with tackling the uncomfortable! A married couple in business together

 I’ve already been stripping down to the find the real me…to become my authentic self. Its been very emotional and revealing. My eyes and heart are beginning to be opened. You have also guided me closer to the answers I’ve been struggling to find. Thank you for sharing and sticking with me. I appreciate you and what you do. You do it well. Field Safety Representative Alberta region

Our  coaching together was the bridge of getting out of my head & into my heart – away from the fear more & that was so necessary in order for me to be present,  but also to be authentic. I experienced your coaching as seamless & the powerful question about “performance” opened the space for me to see myself in the fear/faith place- big. Thank you kind sir for your help- This experience has helped lift me to another place & i am reminded that “getting out of your comfort zone” is essential at times Trainer, teacher, community leader

“My main goal was to develop some strategies for implementing a systematic change in our business. I was not only able to do this but I also had the opportunity to discover many other improvements, some subtle and others of more significance, that have given me more confidence in myself and my future.” (partner in a 12 year old company)

“… has enabled me to clarify the direction I wish to pursue in developing and growing my company and it has helped me to understand and rectify some of the ways in which I was blocking my own, and my company’s, success” (CEO of a new company)

“… interestingly enough he did not solve my problems for me, but through time has shown me how to work through and solve my own problems. …enlightened me to the fact that I am a great problem solver. I am taking my style, my desires and implementing them in a way I am comfortable with” (CEO and owner of a network of companies)

“… opened up new possibilities for me, my family and my business, broke down some barriers and poked holes in others. I see myself and my place in the world much differently than I did three months ago and I am much more resourceful” (CEO and owner of an expanding 4 year old business)

Really opened up my view of things and allowed me to get moving in a way that I could not have predicted. Very satisfying.”(CEO over $20 million international company)

I know that much of what I’ve been aspiring to accomplish and have accomplished thus far, the confidence instilled in me, the ability to envision my best future and the power I can find within myself to positively direct myself down the path I’m working on developing… has been realized and enhanced by our work together. You have been a true gift in my life… a gift that keeps on giving. (seasoned Executive about to move to a start up company as Founder)

You were MAGNIFICENT. I loved watching the engagement of the groups. I’d love to do something like this again, if you are willing. Thank you, thank you! HR Director who was nervous about having a Coach take responsibility for a portion of the Company Retreat

I would like to express our gratitude for the very significant contributions that you’ve made to the company, to its culture, to the employees and their individual development and to the products and the company’s ability to deliver them. We are all better prepared now to tackle the great opportunities that we have in front of us and, wherever the company finds success and delights our customers, there will be a bit of Joseph in each achievement. (President and CEO of an evolving tech company)

You showed a keen desire to understand the experience and knowledge of our group, as well as the demands of their work situations. The effort you spent on our group even before the workshops began ensured that each person walked away with something useful and meaningful to them.
…approachable manner and respect for each person’s internal process engaged our members quickly in a thought-provoking and powerful session. The atmosphere was relaxed yet professional in both workshops, while the presentations demonstrated an ease with people and seemed to draw from extensive experience.       (VP Operations of a company with staff from Nova Scotia to Michigan)

Why Joseph, from HR specialist in Halifax

Stretches Me
Sounding Board
Holds me accountable
Knows the story
Is right there with me, making the story

“Maintaining credibility and conquering inherent cynicism is never easy in such undertakings. Even I confess to initial softness on both counts and I’m very pleased to report that you turned me into a true believer.”
– CEO, multinational investment company

“The retreat that you facilitated was the turning point for myself as leader and for our team. Your commitment was outstanding. Specifically, your session was driven by my ideas; not canned, the progression was smooth and well orchestrated, and, dead on for allowing us to get our issues out on the wall so that we could move on.” President and Founder of an equipment leasing company, Edmonton

I have found in Joseph, a place that I can try things out, where I can push back to learn more, where I can rachette up my thinking and test my business ideas. That he has started and operated businesses of his own shows and adds  in our conversations. And he does not take my baloney, just laughs with me (never at me) and we play our way to the next useful outcome. I have not experienced many who are as helpful and present as Joseph Business professional building a company in the 7 figure arena – Calgary

Joseph, thank you again for your facilitation this week.  (Accounts Director of a National franchise western Canada region)
Your presence and the manner in which you conducted “the Promise” was very well received, and brought our group closer together with a common goal in continuing to help each other by sharing ideas and communicating with each other more freely and frequently.  The comments we’ve received from the reps have been very positive.  They feel more connected. Senior leader of a company directing efforts of  key personnel from across three provinces

Worked with me to get past all the noise in my life and focus on one or two issues that let everything come together into balance. In a very short period of time I am moving forward with confidence that the outcomes I am achieving will funnel into the life I dream of.     Senior Partner in a National  company

“… has enabled me to clarify the direction I wish to pursue in developing and growing my company and it has helped me to understand and rectify some of the ways in which I was blocking my own, and my company’s, success” (CEO of a new company)

“what has surprised me the most about coaching is both its simplicity (absence of  “patented” formulas) and the immediate results achieved” Owner of an engineering company

“Coaching was more than self-reflection, more than assessing behavior patterns, more than planning for the future; for me, it truly was a change in my life. It is about acceptance of who I am and who I am meant to be.”
     Director of Development, major public service provider

“The magic lies in how you help me grow. It’s my agenda and you are here for me, generous with time and what you know. Your questions come from curiosity (not judgment), you ask permission and you like to play as you take me to the edge.”      A fellow coach

“There are times I want to press forward and times I want to veer off the path a little and chase something less demanding. Joe is totally with me no matter where I go and he still finds the coaching thread which brings me to discovery. He makes me do stuff. I’m moving forward on one of the big Numero Uno goals of my life.” Novelist