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With my first name as Joseph, I have often heard 'go with the flow, Joe', sometimesdirected my way. What does that mean, exactly? I'm thinking it means, cooperate,don't rock the boat, blend in, keep your head down, make as little...
New Year thoughts. Welcome to the New Year. "So what are your plans?" And so it goes, on into Resolutions that too often have simply never worked, and other sad tales. Well… there are always those SMART goals or many...
Lynn was seriously groused with Mike. They were doing so well, having a fine time, until he jumped off of his end of the teeter totter. 'Ka-boom', she crashed into the terra-firma like a ragdoll. Seriously groused for sure. Maureen...
Guest Article Few things can be as devastating as hitting a wall in your career. This is especially true if you’ve given it your blood, sweat, and tears, only to lose your position. However, this can be an opportunity to...
“Knowledge discovered is nothing until it becomes knowledge shared.”
Joseph Seiler
In order to understand ourselves better we make models that sort behaviours into a few easily understood bins. One example is when we use gas, liquid, solid to sort among the different types of matter in the world. We refer...
#stress #ease #mentalsilence #rejuvenate Millie Grenough wrote a book titled, “Oasis in the Overwhelm” and in it she offers a great little experience that can bring us back to center, to become more calm and rejuvenated, in about 20 seconds...
#leadership #personaldevelopment #personneldevelopment #coaching a short 2 minute video "No, no and no!, the leader is the one out in front, visible, inspiring, doing what they want the rest of us to do too and showing us how"! Jim...
Many pundits advise that we ought to lie to ourselves, fake it 'til we make it, say the lie with gusto, until somehow it becomes our true state. Wha...? I know, with certainty, that I am not a multi-millionaire. So...
#Coaching #professionalCoaching #personalCoaching #businessCoaching #successCoaching Have you ever toyed with the idea of working with a Coach? Have an idea of what you would explore if you did decide to try it? Willing to step at least a tiny bit...
Hear this at work? What thoughts come to mind about the level of trust at your workplace? Of course it depends on the context, so what would the context likely be for you to 'want to dig further'? The statement...
Millennial workers, born between the early 80s and the early years of our present millennium, are, apparently, challenging to direct as employees. Some predict that we are likely to hear much of the following tongue in cheek description of this...