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What if.... Nobody Gets to Be Rong? Yes, what if we could 'allow' this idea into our set of options when we form our responses to the world? If you are like most, the spelling error has crossed your awareness,...
Conscious living, what is that? Who cares? Why? We live our lives far less than fully conscious. Too harsh? Maybe. I wonderwhether conscious is good or 'something else'. The fact is that our brain can onlyhandle very few things at...
Why are we here? What is the reason that we were born? What are we supposed tobe doing here? What is your 'Purpose'? And so what if we do or don't know?Hmmmm … Living Without Purpose Let us address the...
Choice is Always Happening We make choices all the time. Choice is one of those 'always happening' things. Not choosing is still a choice. If I want something, like a glass of water, I automatically 'see' it in my mind....
“Knowledge discovered is nothing until it becomes knowledge shared.”
Joseph Seiler
With my first name as Joseph, I have often heard 'go with the flow, Joe', sometimesdirected my way. What does that mean, exactly? I'm thinking it means, cooperate,don't rock the boat, blend in, keep your head down, make as little...
The world could do with a few more convention busting insights. Particular towestern society most of us can relate to the image of 'the boss' arriving to takenames and kick some butt. The witch hunt is a tradition, fiercely propagated,reinforced...
We call all the time. I receive calls and send calls out. There are many types of call. Forinstance, what is it like when I ‘call you down’? Like that? Which form do you like more, to becalled down or...
A big question. Do people even notice me? In those instances when they do, what would I like my impact upon them to be? Can I put on just the right outfit, walk just the right way, say just the...
Leadership, where is it? I don't mean there isn't enough of it, though that is likely true, I meanwhere, physically, does the leader take up position? Is the leader out front, ahead and all othersare behind, following, as they say?...
Cube Tune Up Whether participating in self growth or leading a team development session at work, it can be really helpful to use a simple model to frame the explorations and discoveries. Simple is most often best, so memorable and...
from 'depositphoto' The New Year Resolution has a poor reputation. How come? I say it is because it is a promise to change. An example all have experience with. We don't like to change, us humans. We squirm, struggle, fight,...
I owe a great deal of where I am today to your knowledge, patience and guidance. I have to work on myself everyday but I find it easier and more like general maintenance, like small corrections these days. I can directly attribute many of the...
The Coaching toolkit holds many insightfully useful items. One that I find  particularly powerful is the phrase pair of See yourself, Celebrate what you see. The Power of Self Reflection Practiced delivery of these six words can transform an entire...
Sometimes we want to help but don't know how. I have felt that.  The Covid situation has more of us wanting to help, while not knowing how. The Five Love Languages (Chapman) offers the premise that we each have a...
Randori is a martial arts exercise where multiple attackers engage you at once, and you do not know which one will attack next or from what direction or what technique they will use. It is a supremely present moment experience....
#alcoholism # addiction #cure Having Coached hundreds over the past two decades, alcohol came up more often than I expected. Some clients were seeking approval, some empathy, some sympathy, all sought freedom from everything that is alcohol, especially the judgment...
The Secret to Successful Teams Many studies reveal a consistently counterintuitive result about the make-up of the most successful teams. It is not the people with the longest, most impressive list of credentials, including experience, that make up the best...
Relentless conjures images of unstoppability, maybe even of a juggernaut. Whoa. Yet, if we could call some of that up on demand, well, that could be really handy. There are things in the way of choosing to be relentless. Full...
We are social beings. We like to be among and with and around, others. In all of that we prefer to please others so they will like us. Mostly. There are times, too, when we really want to especially please...
Bronze medalist showing her opinion of herself Many quote the old saw about the glass being half full or half empty. As lovely as it is, one can too easily nod like a wise sage and just move on. What...
#action #accomplishment #inspiration #leadership Knowing exactly what to do, when and how, is not our normal state, pined George, feeling very normal, not having any idea of what to do. Speaking to his coffee cup, "most of the time I'm...
It is not acceptable in society that we intimately touch each other in public. This is definitely the case at work. Agreed? Yet it is considered essential that we, as humans, experience touch, not just once in a while but...
Did you just say, "I've decided to take up smiling"? But, but, have you not smiled before? I have and I liked it but this is the first time I recall deliberately choosing to smile. To choose to smile is...
#Coaching #professionalCoaching #personalCoaching #businessCoaching #successCoaching Have you ever toyed with the idea of working with a Coach? Have an idea of what you would explore if you did decide to try it? Willing to step at least a tiny bit...
Oh, thank you, I really want to But others... So I'll pencil you in, yes And if you'll check back?   I really, really want to But others could.... and And sometimes they do. What would I say to them...
Mindset the new psychology of success    Carol Dweck Ph D   A really quick book review Dweck pushes back, hard, on any idea that a person's ability to succeed is predetermined by heredity, social situation, gender or anything for that...
Certainly some Affirmations bring more potent outcomes than others. I might Affirm 'I want safety'. Well, yes, I do want that. However, my understanding of how the Universe works is that it is like a massive warehouse that holds every...
The Culture Code (Coyle)   All the rage this past decade has included a focus on the Culture of a group, organization, company. It is said that Culture is the fabric upon which all else is built. When good results are...
#self awareness #noticing #confidence #success #happiness Increasing Self Awareness Self awareness is claimed to be the doorway to more of almost everything good. What then, is the doorway to increasing self awareness? Some things are simple and not easy. Meditation...
The Fierce Question Is there a point where failure or success becomes irrelevant? In her book, Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert proposes that it is not the classic question, 'what would you do if you knew you could not fail?' that...
#Leadership #Management #Performance The movie Avatar (2009) was about acknowledgement on a far away planet peopled by very large blue humanoids living a simple mutually connected life, connected to their planet, plants, animals and to each other. An important aspect...
A really quick book review The Truth About Employee Engagement (Lencioni) is a fable in typical Lencioni style, that provides an experiential journey of discovery about increasing employee engagement at a number of companies, including a Mon and Pop type...
Three stone cutters were asked what they were doing. One said, "cutting stones" Another said, "making blocks" The third said, "building a Cathedral" Which one was probably the most motivated? Which one is most likely to stay, not move to...
We all strive to be more successful at least some of the time. What if we could accelerate the process, be successful sooner and make it stick too? I was Coaching with an Executive who owns their own business and...
What is it in us that decides which plants are weeds? There is a saying, "but for judgment, even a weed would be a flower". I find that thought provoking. When considering the idea of a weed, judgment is the...
The Art of Coaching: Navigating Initial Skepticism I was being interviewed as a prospective Coach for a powerful female Executive. She was not all that keen on the idea but had agreed with someone to have a conversation with me....
A really quick book review,  Joseph Seiler MCC  2011-2022 Loving What Is, Byron Katie      How many times and how many ways have we been advised to, “just let it go”? And how easy has it been to do that? Byron...
Empowerment is not Leadership. When I empower you it is implied that I 'give' you power. What if it is simply wrong to believe that one person can ‘give’ power to another? What if all we can really do is...
Finding Your Truth Our minds wander and wonder and think about us as, at times great and at times, small, as brave and fear-filled, as worthy and not. What is True about you and me, and about all people? I...
#Engagement #Clientengagement #Employeeengagement #Success Links to the other two Parts are provided at the end of this portion. The Gallup organization developed a 12 point questionnaire to reliably measure the level of engagement of the employees working in an organization....
#Leadership #Selfdevelopment #Delegation #Executivesuccess #Personneldevelopment   When it comes to leading well, I really like simple. It can be a powerful self development aid to keep things simple. By simple I mean to the point, dead easy to understand, no...
#Leadership #Success #Leadershipdevelopment #ExecutiveCoaching There is a worldwide movement to increasingly welcome women into positions of authority. Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear how, for instance, companies that have strong representation of women on their corporate Boards...
#Leadershipdevelopment #BusinessCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #Accountability Jack Welch was CEO of GE for over 20 years and brought massive increases in valuation. Some point to Mr Welch as the most successful CEO of the twentieth century. Some are not so sure. He...
#engagement #leadership #organization #development   There is a lot of buzz around these days on the topic of engagement and also on the topic of millenials. Lack of employee engagement is a global crisis that can be measured across pretty...
#employeeengagement #leadership #management #supervision #employeedevelopment   Employee engagement is the basis of a successful business (according to some and yes I agree). The employee represents the doing part, the arms and legs, of the company. That last person to touch...
[caption id="attachment_767" align="aligncenter" width="565"] from the back of my business card[/caption] #Success #Dobetter #Developingself #Developingothers There can be a feeling of struggle when moving towards success. One side of it is the push and pull and striving to do better,...
#empowerment #leadership #development #evolutionary Executive In his great book (my opinion), Turn the Ship Around,  David Marquet explains how empowerment is actually an insult, and recognizes the usual leadership model as the blah, blah that it is, replacing it with...
#choice #leadership #decisions A choice that Leaders make continuously, is whether they want to be right or want to be happy. Right and happy can co-exist. Yet, often they are opposed. The most effective Leaders seem to choose the better...
The Spark of Self Discovery “I really need to do something to get more fit”, George told me. "I don't have access to or want, exercise equipment and really do not like how it feels to work out in a...
We hear a lot about the so called, millenial generation, which is roughly people born between the early 80s and early 2000s. It seems there is some challenge in leading and motivating and getting productivity from this group. Hmmm? First...
Every once in  awhile a decision making situation shows up where what to do is just not at all clear.It happens. But what to do? You are the one expected to make those decisions. That is why you get paid...
Seven Steps to Slay the Dragons of Life One day The hero/ine Stops... Unable to take another step David Whyte poet What is happening in this verse? It appears that whatever it is, it is big and it is blocking...
Rejection can feel quite bad. It is one of the three top human fears. The other two are not believing I am loveable and the fear of looking stupid. We are not including fears like of heights or snakes etc....
The entrepreneurial figure has magic to it. Many imagine becoming the fabled hero(ine) and to make it big like Mark Zuckerberg or Sophia Amaruso  or Larry Page. For most... not going to happen. Yet, there are a great many that...
Leadership with Dr. Seuss I enjoy Dr Seuss stories. They teach and entertain and have fun pictures. One of the Dr Seuss books is entitled, Oh! The Places You'll Go. It is about the usual little Seussian character who is...
We are all familiar with the upward pointing triangle showing Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. It starts with the basics of survival and safety and works up to personal fulfillment. Makes great sense. Tony Robbins approaches in a different way...
There are new articles on Leadership every day. I read some of them, but less than I used to. The reason is that they are starting to sound increasingly same, same. What is your experience with this? I agree with...
  How is it that we continue 'this' action, so obviously unhelpful to us when we look at others doing it or at our own history? How is it that we seem to, in the moment, forget all of our...
The famous eleventh century poet, Rumi, advises us to say yes quickly, to start with yes. The context is about that moment an aha comes to us, when we feel an inspiration, an intuitive hit, an invitation, when we feel...
One might ask why even bother to offer Coaching to the already successful Executive. Here are a few big reasons.   The already successful know there is more available. They also have willingness to increase their own self awareness and...
[caption id="attachment_343" align="aligncenter" width="300"] OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA[/caption] What I focus on expands. When I look for red and white trucks on my drive to work, I see way more than if I don't look for them. So too if I...
Our school system conditions us to know. The wisdom of 'I don't know' is rarely, if ever, mentioned. We learn that knowing is the best and most rewarded place to be. We are taught to know first and fastest and...
To move straight forward is to move without deviating from the shortest route, in this case, to the best results possible. Lots of advice out there on how to get those best results. OK, what about the role of 'being'...
It is said that we all see the world a little bit differently. This can get in the way of an Executive's success. We have our filters, crafted from our prior experiences, prejudices, aspirations, fears and more. Your filters are...
Understanding the Internal Critic (the Gremlin) We all have an internal critic, that judgmental little voice that just can't seem to find anything about us that is 'good enough'. Relentlessly nasty. Carson, in his landmark book Taming Your Gremlin (he...
Getting things done, lots of things, and done well, seems to be one of those holy grail kinds of pursuits. Images of long lists of what needs doing, moving fast, directives, many directives, activity, plans, mind maps, nerve centers, almost...
Navigating Beyond High School There is a fable of a highly successful executive returning to address the graduating class on the 20th anniversary of their own graduation. This person had had a fabulously successful 20 years and was asked to...
It is just so easy to default to judgment in almost any human interaction. I say default, because that just seems to be true. Check in with yourself. Walking down a street how often do you notice the shape or...
Dr Seuss has provided us with a wonderful story explaining the realities of life in the book, Oh The Places You’ll Go. He makes a critical error though. Throughout the story his little dude guy is on a journey, could...
Doubt. What is that? To me it feels like a wall, sometimes a big one. The feeling of doubt is one that stops us, maybe not forever, but at least for a while and it can really get in the...
#leader, #potential, #leadership, #Coaching A stallion is notoriously independent, smart, jealous and a strong fighter. Most really successful stallions start with a large ego which they used to climb the corporate ladder and which they then tamed to achieve what...